Post by zombie roonerPost by IncitatusPost by zombie roonerPost by IncitatusPost by zombie roonerPost by IncitatusPost by zombie roonerPost by IncitatusPost by zombie roonerPost by IncitatusPost by zombie roonerPost by IncitatusPost by zombie roonerPost by IncitatusPost by zombie roonerastronauts are on twice. plus here & now and jelly biafra.
Dunno if Jello is a plus point, really. Much of his more recent stuff
(after 'Last Scream...' - which is a fucking awesome record, FWIW)
hasn't impressed me too much, apart from the odd song.
i'd be surprised if he did anything that was under 30 years old.
Hasn't he changed the words to California Uber Alles to make it about
Sarah Palin yet?
last one i heard was the terminator one. not sure if that's still up
to date or not.
Na, he's gone back to being caught shagging around now and acting now.
That was on that full-price album he put out that only had 3 all-new
songs on it (including one called 'Those Dumb Punk Kids Will Buy
Anything'), wasn't it?
probably. i know it was recorded live.
'Buy My Snake Oil' - have you ever heard that one? That's probably the
last really good song he did...
was that on the weird country and western lp he did with someone?
Aye. Mojo Nixon and the Toadliquers.
There are some other good songs on there - but most of those are
covers with the words changed. Not what I'd call a great album, all in
I think that was the record that got Jello stomped by some angry guys
for being a sellout. Well, that was one story I heard.
i can understand that. i had enough sense to get the shop to play it
for me instead of just buying it. but only after being burnt by one of
his other records a few years earlier. tumour circus or something like
that i think it was called.
You ever listen to his Lard stuff (dunno, maybe that's what you're
talking about)? Checked it out but couldn't really be bothered with it
yeah, except for the 70s rock star one, whatever that was called. when
sprog1 was a baby the only thing that would get her to sleep was the
power of lard.
That's the one that looks like an EP, but has a 35 minute song on it,
Post by zombie roonerPost by IncitatusPost by zombie roonerPost by Incitatusbtw, did you ever check out Booze & Glory?
why what is it?
Skinheads singing about working class stuff.
Their new album just came out. It's got a song on it with the chorus
He's your hooligan, your thug
He's your hooligan, your love
It's a love song.
These guys are awesome. Really catchy, 'big' sounding tunes. There's a
song about beating up internet geeks too.
has it got proper shouting or do they try to sing?
Think Sparrer. The guy who sings most of the songs sounds German(ish)
but they have a cockney singer in there too.
This one sounds a bit like the Pogues...
nah, don't like skinheads who try to sing. they should stick to what
they're good at.
Never having nuffink to do round 'ere, getting into bovver down the
Millwall, getting crucified for their sins and always getting the
blame for their boots 'n' braces, you mean?
Actually, scratch that. Accusing each other of being fash, or reds, or
shaven hippies, or 'politically correct gone mad' on the internet and
e-threatening each other/bragging about how hard they are, at the very
least from the other end of the country, is prolly more like it... :)
Having fun, down on Airstrip One.