Post by RiffOn Fri, 11 Mar 2011 22:09:32 +0000, Incitatus
Post by IncitatusPost by RiffOn Wed, 09 Mar 2011 20:32:54 +0000, Incitatus
Post by IncitatusSkrewdriver, bo-Brewdriver
Banana-fana fo-Frewdriver
I think there grate, but what does it meen ?
Riff, bo-Biff
Banana-fana fo-Fiff
btw, T.H.U.G - what do think? They're from your little
island/continent thing, rite?
Yeah, I don't really know much about them, the few songs I've heard
sound OK.
I did enjoy White Lightning, however. I have the LP on vinyl around
here somewhere.
The Corps get a mention there, too. I've seen them a bunch of times.
You'd most likely enjoy them.
You know what to do with that !
So, I bought the new THUG/Argy Bargy split 7" on spec. Thought they
sounded a bit like Rose Tattoo, I thought (fun fact - Argy Bargy
actually cover Rose Tattoo on the record)...
So, I looked up THUG (never heard of 'em before) and saw that they
were another one of those 'ex-WP guys who now play apolitical oi!'
bands. Ho hum.
I dunno - even if they don't hold those views any more, I don't think
that it's very good for the scene that they keep quiet, play it down
(or pretend it never happened) and don't officially distance
themselves from those views. I mean - how many oi bands write songs
about how they hate it and how wrong it is when the media accuses them
of being racists/Nazis and gigs get canceled because people think that
they're racists/Nazis? Yeah, yeah, I know - 'political correctness
gone mad', 'don't you tell us who we should play with!' and all that.
Sometimes I just think that these guys don't help themselves - dogs
and fleas, 'a man shall be known by the company he keeps', etc.
btw, did you ever hear the Warriors/Booze & Glory split? Saxby and co.
unequivocally draw a line in the sand on that one...
"I'm not homophobic, I am not a racist, I am not religious, I am not a
fascist - I don't want everyone to look the same".
Not that I'm saying that oi bands should be forced to record a token
song in which they overtly state where they stand, or overtly rep an
antifa organization, or else be regarded with suspicion by 'good
thinking people' either. Meh, this scene is schizophrenic as hell.
Having fun, down on Airstrip One.