EDITORIAL - New York Daily News Hoplophobic Faggots, "All-American insanity: Vester Flanagan, aka Bryce Williams, ...
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Truth In Media Reporting
2015-11-08 05:14:33 UTC
...is the umpteenth example of how easy it is for deranged
people to get ahold of deadly weapons"

At least they admitted that the black faggot racist prostitute
was deranged and thus mentally ill.

America, which in the past half-century has suffered at least
five times the number of mass shootings as any other nation on
Earth, has every reason to be inured to the steady trail of
blood caused by maniacs wielding deadly firearms.

But what transpired Wednesday morning on live television in
Roanoke, Va. — with first-person video taken by the murderer
then disseminated via Facebook and Twitter — should give pause
to even the most jaded among us.

And it should motivate any and every politician with even a
thimble of courage to take stronger steps to keep deranged
people from getting hold of firearms.

This time, a crazed gunman killed a 24-year-old television
reporter, Alison Parker, and a 27-year-old cameraman, Adam Ward,
in cold blood. Two more innocent lives were plucked from their
families and friends in an instant, by a few simple squeezes of
a trigger.

There’s a sickness in the heart of the nation, whereby personal
demons, a culture of violence and the perverse pursuit of even
the worst kind of fame intersect with far-too-easy access to

So remember Alison Parker. Remember Adam Ward. Mourn them.

As for the murderer, who later took his own life: We are in the
news business, and we therefore today must identify him as
Vester Lee Flanagan II, aka Bryce Williams. But we hope his name
is soon consigned to obscurity — along with the videos he took
and enthusiastically shared of his crime in progress, and his
twisted and racist manifesto — lest the horror of what he did
lead others to seek similar infamy.

Even as the perpetrator’s identity is swiftly forgotten, the
facts of what he did and how he did it must be understood
plainly, clinically, if the nation is ever going to wrestle with
this plague.

Flanagan was transparently unstable. He had race-fueled
workplace grievances against Parker and Ward. He thought the
world conspired to mistreat him because he was a gay black man.

In the document explaining his motivations faxed Wednesday to
ABC News, he called himself “a human powder keg for a while . .
. just waiting to go BOOM!!!!” In his telling, it was the
Charleston church massacre in June that pushed him over the edge.

Two days after that carnage, he went out and put a deposit on a
gun. Because even when you’re seething with murderous rage, it’s
easy to do that in America, and especially in Virginia.

Don’t take his word that his murders were a deranged retaliation
for Charleston. That gives him too much credit. His rambling
missive also reveals that he was an unhinged murder junkie who
revered Seung Hui Choi, the 2007 Virginia Tech mass murderer,
and the killers of Columbine.

What must be taken seriously is not his warped justification —
but the all-too-real possibility that another demented
individual with a gun will now find inspiration in Flanagan’s
sick snuff spectacle.


Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy
caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black ardent
supporters, to wave the flags for more gun control.
2015-11-10 00:14:34 UTC
check with the flamboyant news page on msn.com
